Abstract image showing multiple screens to represent consulting

In an era where efficiency and adaptability are paramount, businesses are increasingly turning to transformative technologies to optimize their operations. Digital twins stand out as a particularly revolutionary tool, offering dynamic simulations that enhance decision-making and streamline business processes. BusinessOptix has emerged as a leader in this domain, providing robust digital twin solutions that transform…

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Image of a laptop on a table, showing some computer code on the screen

What makes a process improvement project good? We examine six key stages to follow to ensure success. Process improvement is essential for all businesses Process improvement, quite simply, describes the practice of identifying, analysing and enhancing how a business carries out tasks. It’s a systematic, planned approach. There are many reasons to do it, from…

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Irregular geometric shapes

Where do you start when it comes to improving operational resilience? This article looks at two different ways to set about it. Plus, check out how a financial services organisation achieved compliance.   Resilience (noun): the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness Recently, we examined the benefits of and steps to achieving and maintaining…

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Image of the letter A

Bemused by business transformation jargon? Improve your understanding with this glossary of frequently used terms and abbreviations in business transformation and software development. It’s regularly updated, so check again soon if you can’t see what you need today. As-is and to-be processes The as-is state of a process is the current state. It’s how the process…

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