View from outside of lighted office building windows at night

Every process improvement project needs its own plan to boost the chances of a successful outcome. Make sure yours includes these four phases. If you need to improve a process, make a plan A process improvement plan is exactly what it says: an end-to-end strategy to make a process better. Each process should have its…

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Image of a laptop on a table, showing some computer code on the screen

What makes a process improvement project good? We examine six key stages to follow to ensure success. Process improvement is essential for all businesses Process improvement, quite simply, describes the practice of identifying, analysing and enhancing how a business carries out tasks. It’s a systematic, planned approach. There are many reasons to do it, from…

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Orange and yellow spirals exploding out of the middle of a grey background

The failure rate of outsourcing relationships ranges from 40% to 70%, according to Ensure your client relationship doesn’t falter with the help of these tips. Business process outsourcing frees time for key priorities Business process outsourcing (BPO) sees organisations subcontract selected functions to specialist third parties. Originally built around physical tasks like manufacturing, it’s…

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