A successful project manager is made up of many skills and attributes, and has many different roles. We look at the part that business process transformation systems can play in supporting this challenging function.


The composition of a successful project manager

Outline of a figure divided up into sections to show the capabilities of a project manager

Image source: successfulprojectmanagers.com


Business process transformation platforms can help strengthen project teams

Business process transformation platforms might not be the obvious choice to support project management roles. After all, they’re not specifically designed for it. However, they have many tools that you can apply to strengthen EPMO roles or project management teams.

Here’s how they can:

– Support understanding with effective documentation

Two features are useful: the ability to produce work instructions, and process modelling. By modelling the processes you’re trying to improve, you’ll gain huge amounts of knowledge and data to use as the foundation for enhancements. And producing clear documentation from these processes helps build an informed, skilled team.


– Produce accurate end-to-end analysis and assessments

To fully and successfully analyse a project, you need to start with strong foundations. Use process mining, mapping and modelling to gain data and insight on what’s happening and what, ideally, should happen. You’ll be able to define the size and scope of the task more easily, and learn what to do to deliver success.


– Generate realistic budgets that are flexible enough to cope with change

It’s tough to predict how a change will affect your project. Scenario modelling is a risk-free way to trial modifications, like timescales or materials, and learn how they will affect the cost. You can then act to ensure the budget remains under control and can adapt to any eventuality.


– Set a practical project schedule that delivers on time

Modelling and simulation also play a role in designing the optimal project schedule. Use simulation to remove or add tasks, change the numbers of people involved, or adjust other factors. Identify what effects these changes have on the timeline, and adapt your schedule accordingly.


– Boost problem-solving skills, risk management and adaptability

Integrating governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools with business operations is an efficient way to ensure projects remain within the rules. In addition, creating and simulating scenarios tests the performance of your control measures.


– Improve relationship and team management

There are many ways in which a business process transformation platform supports people management. For example, maps and dashboards help communicate progress; work instructions develop an engaged and motivated team. And process mapping shows you where and how the business uses people, so you can deploy them to best effect.


Take a different approach to project management

At Cocoon, we design and develop solutions to help you meet your organisation’s challenges. Let us show you how the BusinessOptix platform can support you in identifying process problems, defining goals, and much more: claim your free demo.


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