Process improvement platforms are the perfect partner for the lean transformation process. We highlight the ways in which the systems complement lean tools and techniques.

There are clear parallels between the two

According to the Kanbanize agile project-management platform, a lean transformation roadmap has eight stages. In its drive to maximise value for an organisation, it has many parallels with process improvement. And, as such, there are a number of stages where the capabilities of a process transformation platform are particularly useful.

Image showing eight stages of a lean transformation process: evaluation; initiation; training and tooling; flow across single services; analysis and optimisation; flow across connected services; establish governing methods; improve continuously.


Use a process transformation platform to strengthen your lean transformation at every stage



  • Maximise your chances of a successful transformation by accurately identifying and defining the problem, or current state
  • Use process mapping to learn what’s happening, and mining to extract data that supplies an objective picture of performance



  • Create buy-in amongst C-suite executives with easy-to-use tools that involve them at the relevant level
  • Cloud-based solutions enable users from across the organisation to collaborate on the same processes, no matter their location or time zone


Training and tooling

  • Generate the optimal environment for ongoing post-transformation success. Train teams effectively and disseminate information across the entire organisation, with process-driven work instructions


Flow across single and connected services

  • Eliminate internal silos by facilitating team collaboration in areas including process discovery, design and approval
  • Manage communication, and encourage team engagement, using transformation dashboards
  • Link related process diagrams to easily identify how they interact, and how changes to one process affect others


Analysis and optimisation

  • Ensure the transformation will deliver the results you need. Similarly to the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, use transformation tools to simulate scenarios, adjusting the metrics as you go
  • A digital twin is also an effective way to see into the future. You can use this dynamic virtual copy of your organisation to deliver ongoing rounds of improvement


Establish governing methods

  • Proactively approach potential problems by reviewing processes on an ongoing basis
  • Create alerts to notify you and your team of potential problems or required actions
  • Efficiently manage approval and review cycles by setting up workflows


Improve continuously

  • Use feedback forms or collaborative sessions to monitor progress
  • Cross-check regulatory standards and procedures, and review them with different teams
  • Auto-initiate process reviews at your desired frequency


Use process transformation tools to complement lean techniques

The BusinessOptix process transformation platform provides tools to map, adapt, connect and improve business operations.

Learn what it can do for your business; claim your personalised demo today